Meeting 1: Saturday 20 November 2021, 9am – 2pm, to be held online
Meeting 2: Saturday 4 December 2021, 9am – 2pm
Meeting 3: Saturday 12 February 2022, 9am – 2pm
Meeting 4: Saturday 19 March 2022, 9am – 2pm
Meeting 5: Saturday 14 May 2022, 9am – 2pm
Meeting 6: Saturday 20 August 2022, 9am – 2pm
With the exception of Meeting 1, meetings will be held in-person in Canberra City, ACT, subject to ACT Government COVID-19 restrictions. Dates are subject to change, and we understand things can also change on your end, but we are seeking a commitment to be involved for the duration of the program.