Section 1 of 6 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.2. Would you like to be involved in other surveys or community engagement opportunities about energy pricing and services? *YesNo3. What gender do you identify with? *Female MaleOther Prefer not to say4. What age group are you in? *18-24 25-3435-44 45-54 55-64 64 or older 5. Are you (tick all that apply): *A person with a disability An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander A business ownerA renterA landlordNone of the above Prefer not to say6. Do you hold any of the following? *Pensioner concession card Health care card Department of Veteran’s Affairs Gold Card (excluding dependents), War Widow’s card of TPI card None of the above Prefer not to sayNext7. Where were you born? *AustraliaOther Please specify *8. Do you speak a language other than English at home? *No, English only Yes If answered yes, please specify which language/s you speak. *9. Do you own a small business *YesNo10. If you like to be involved in other surveys or community engagement opportunities, please enter your contact details below: NameEmailPhoneNext